This opportunity is available to all St. Rita Parishioners. St. Rita and Fr. Steve Flynn, along with the St. Rita CLAMteam, are planning a pilgrimage to El Salvador this coming Feb. 15-22. We will be visiting 3 of the Diocesan mission sites, martyr sites, and working on a few projects. This is an incredible opportunity to be part of something bigger than oneself.
I have taken groups on this trip several times over the past 7 years, and the only thing that is consistent is that no trip is ever the same! Every trip is a unique experience. Let us know your experiences in El Salvador. If you have been on a mission trip or visited the tiny country, we would like to know your thoughts.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve God while serving others. There is no greater feeling in the world than that of doing for one's brothers and sisters.
If you have any questions, please email me and I will be happy to help answer them.